Peace Advocacy Pragmora: Plan The Peace
Peace Policy

Pragmora Mission

Develop pragmatic, non-violent measures to help resolve and prevent armed conflicts, and stabilize the peace post-conflict.

Advocate these practical solutions persistently, and put them into the hands of activists around the world.

Transform thinking about war so it is no longer an acceptable option.

Magnify the voice for peace.


A world that persistently seeks realistic alternatives to armed conflict, and diligently plans for stable peace. A world freed from war.


New webite

We are in the process of transitioning to our new website. Check it out here!

Pragmora President returns to eastern Congo in January. Stay tuned for updates.

Sign-up for the Pragmora Blog. Evidence-based conflict analysis. Personal reflection.

LestWe4Get Walk Success!! FINAL REPORT

Peace Correspondent enewsletter MORE

Thought.Provoking.Videos. and study guides Check out some of the great short videoclips MORE

Pragmora Congo analysis in the media

CBC. Globe & Mail. La Presse. AND MORE

Pragmora President in the DR Congo

Read the blog. MORE

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